2026 Conference Theme - “Adventures in Clerking!” We have adventures every day in this wonderfully crazy profession we find ourselves in. You can go into the office with a specific task in mind that you want to accomplish and the next thing you know it is 2 pm and you haven’t even started that task. Your day has been filled with a water main break and the phones ringing non-stop because the apocalypse of no water gets people’s attention. Someone wants you to forgive their building permit fees because their project is doing good for the community and they believe it doesn’t cost the city anything anyway. The next call is asking if you know where the nearest goat rental is. Someone else is mad because their neighbor’s dog keeps crapping on their lawn. And did you hear who the mayor’s married over the weekend? This is just a small sample of things you can hear on any given day in city government. So I’ve selected Adventures in Clerking as my theme for conference 2026 because our jobs truly are an adventure. I have benefitted so much from being a member of this organization, from attending the region training sessions, to the annual conference, to serving on various committees, and now serving on the board. I have made friendships that will last a lifetime. I have learned valuable skills that I use daily in performing my job; I have learned different ways to approach issues I may encounter and I have learned to reach out to many of you for guidance and or moral support. I am honored to represent this organization. I extend my gratitude to each of you, for your contributions to this organization and to other members. We all know that every day in a city clerk’s office is different from the last. You never know what will come in the door, over the phone, or across our desks next. So hold on tight, because it’s time for Adventures in Clerking! ~ Beth |
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